60 Green Building Materials Day is Here

On 6 June, the theme activity of "60 Green Building Materials Day" hosted by China Building Materials Federation was successfully held in Beijing, with the theme of "Singing the Main Spin of 'Green', Writing a New Movement". It actively responded to the "3060" Carbon Peak Carbon Neutral Initiative and injected new impetus for the green and low-carbon development of the building materials industry.

Green Building Materials Day’s Content

The "60 Green Building Materials Day" aims to promote the R&D and application of green building materials, promote the sustainable development of the construction industry, and contribute to the achievement of the carbon neutral goal. Experts, scholars and enterprise representatives from all over the country gathered together to discuss the innovation and development of green building materials, exchange industry experience and jointly explore the road of green and low-carbon development. In addition, the event provided a platform for experts, scholars and enterprise representatives in the industry to exchange and cooperate. Through academic exchanges and technology demonstrations, it promotes the innovation and application of green building materials technology, and promotes the green transformation and sustainable development of the industry.


Green Building Materials Day’s Significance

The initial purpose of the establishment of "60 Green Building Materials Day" is to comprehensively implement the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, and actively respond to the "3060" carbon peak carbon neutral call, to convey to the community the building materials industry's determination of green development and carbon reduction, so that more building materials enterprises, building materials people unswervingly take the road of green, low-carbon, safe and high-quality development.

Through this activity, we have seen the active exploration and efforts of the building materials industry in green and low-carbon development. We believe that under the leadership of China Building Materials Federation, the green building materials industry will usher in a better tomorrow and contribute more strength to the sustainable development of the construction industry. Let's look forward to a new chapter of green building materials industry!

Post time: Jun-06-2024